Country Mouse, City Mouse

“Whoa, it’s kind of scary here in the city.”

I ask my 12 year old what she finds the most intimidating as we navigate heavy traffic between tall buildings in our 15-passenger van.

“Using crosswalks.”

I chuckled, so much honest innocence there. In our town there are no streetlights, let alone crosswalks.

Here in the city it is never dark , yet sirens, screeches and shouting can be heard at all hours.

There is a different flavor of wildness here than I meet in my mountain home

I am not interested in settling on a preference so much as in


In Satisfaction.

In Wonder

That I get to experience both

And hold each in a vessel of delight and deliciousness that I can choose

to drink from rather than judge.

Each one with its own way of holding me

In my smallness

Yet I find meaning in knowing that

the mountains and skyscrapers are both


Of me and that we observe

Each other

And in that mutual witness I find that


And Belonging are a

Way of life so I say, YES!

I live in Salt Lake City, and

I live

In a bedroom community in the mountains an hour south

I’ll have some of each, please.

And Thank You.

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